Friday, February 6, 2015

02/06/15 Part 2 -  "Meeting a New Empath"  This pertains to a post that I just posted regarding a post that I put on Facebook.  First thank you everybody for your support during my confusion... But I woke up with some answers as to why I was confused, hurt, and a little bit angry...  Quick overview:  For those coming in at this point.  Spent 3 consecutive weeks 1 night each week, at my local hang-out... Minding my own business, sitting in my usual spot.. a person seeks me out, well really my friend the bar tender asked me to go down to the other end, where only one person was sitting... to assist this person... and it turned into a 3 week venture... Now mind you I am in a public setting, other friends would come give hugs, say hello etc. , but I must thank them as they too know what I do and must have sensed, we were not to be bothered, (often, ha ha).  So thank you all for giving us the time... So,  while I sat with this new person, who was experiencing the pains, joy and sometimes horror of being an empath.  She did not know how to shut it off, protect herself, and for that matter, just except herself.  She was "so me" at 13 years of age, begging God to stop!  She knew she worked for God and sooo wanted to please him and do his work.  She had never met someone like me, as I am also an empath and work directly with God, to assist others...  Our 1st conversation was great, she was so thrilled that someone, somewhere could understand her...  She was thrilled that we talked enough, that she opened up and finally cried.. said she hadn't done that in years, and told me I must of hit home, and it was such a relief for her.  She also let me offer her a hug, as with most empaths, we do not let people hug us!  We hug them 1st or no touching at all...  But she did, I laughed and told her I would make a huger out of her yet!  She laughed, thanked me and all was good!

The 2nd encounter she came up and hugged me, I laughed, see I knew I'd turn you into a huger!..  She laughed... We sat,  we talked, she yelled and screamed (not to me but to God and the universe), I held her hand and watched all of her frustrations pour out and gave explanations as to how I had to deal with coming into myself as well and that it is truly a process and learning how to decipher other peoples pains from my own...   and what relieved the pain for me...  She released a lot and felt much better...

But it was the 3rd meeting,  where my frustrations came into play.. Why?  Well, she came in and again started asking questions (and people, you must understand, I do not just blurt out advice, unless I see an urgent need that you must become aware of something, or you are in danger.  For the most part I observe and you usually have to start the conversation to trigger or give me permission so-to-speak, to share with you!)  So with that said, she started asking again, all these questions she had had bottled up for years about how she felt, when viewing/feeling the world...  and asking why her?... And if she was dong it right?... And if she was truly doing what God wanted her to do?....etc...  And therefore I tried to assist her best I could.. I "purposely" told her that I did not know if my answers would help her; I could only tell her my story as to how I got through all of it; and how I finally learned how to accept myself and all my gifts; and hopefully that would relieve her as well...  I told her I wish that I would have met someone like me at 13, when I was feeling all the pains as well...  But with my generation, the word empath or the understanding of it did not exist... You were just considered a schizophrenic and was pretty much locked up!  So in my mind, she was way ahead of the game... finding someone who knows exactly what and where her pain is coming from.  Ahhh if only I could have been so lucky!
So as usual, we chatted and then she told me about this painful pressure in her head that at times it was so bad, she wanted to check herself in and have a lobotomy.  Oh I could relate so well... I asked her,  it really is'nt a headache is it?  She agreed and said no, it's not even mine,she told me she has had migraines and such, but this was something else, coming from somewhere or someone else, she thought people (humans) were trying to get in her brain... Needless to say, I reassured her that was not the case, with this type of pain, at least from my experience and then I proceeded to explain to her what it was that was causing it... Now in my head the universe stepped in and told me to ask her if she wanted relief from this and for me to tell her that I could slow down the frequencies so she could hear the messages that were built up (as the universe was trying to teach her and she would not listen, this was the pressure - There is a lot more to it but that's the short version, maybe that should be my next book, all about empaths)...  So, I did ask her that question.  Would you like me to relieve that pressure for you?  She stopped, thought, asked What?  Again I asked,  so you want help you with that, so you do not have to be in physical pain?  They are telling me to ask you this... Who is telling you, she asked... ah oh!  I'm in trouble, we've gotten this far and she asks that?  That should have been my 1st sign, she did not hear anything that was said... Really my 1st sign should have been on the 1st meting, she asked me if I came to the bar to drink enough so I could block out the things in my head!  Obviously I do not, I know the owner and my best friend is the bar tender... That's why I sit there to visit with them...  Some nights I don't even have a cocktail... So,  I tried to jog her memory, and she asked me and pointed to her drink, we'll I kind of remember, how many of these (pointing to her drink) did I have?  Oh hmmm.okay so I quickly gave her a review of the last 2 weeks, with oh, yeah, now I remember, some of it...  So again, I ask you,  do you want help with that head pain...  She looked at me and said... "Well I don't know... am I suppose to get rid of it... I reassured her that I was not taking it away, I was just relieving the pain and slowing down the energy frequencies, to relieve the pressure, so she could actually hear what the universe was saying, and I taught her how to ask them to slow down... (Again, you'd have to understand energies and the universal realms, to truly understand what I was telling her, which would pertain to being an empath and such).  Her reply was I am not a healer, so I do not know if I could or should be healed... So maybe I am doing it all wrong and not working for God and I need to suffer, maybe I need to fall on my knees in pain!" Wow!  That's when I was done... Especially after going over things the last 2 weeks, and another 4 hours that evening, and reassuring her, she truly is working for and through God and such... And especially her telling me how much faith she has in him...  and was sooo grateful, someone at least understood her... You know?  I mean, maybe it's just me... but if someone is offering to relieve my pain, especially that kind of pain and offers me insight and clarity, so I can hear what the universe is trying to tell me... Man I'd take it!... or I'd at least try to have it relieved...   But no, she truly wanted to continue being in pain..  That is where my hurt came in, my frustration, my empath reaction... Why, why, why would anyone purposely want pain... I was going to take anything away from her, or take away her gifts, not during this process, I say that, because I work with some clients who yes, you do want to totally remove dis-ease, like cancer and such from their bodies, but this was not that kind of healing...  It was just really a relief from the pressures of the world, so she could gain clarity and understand, all the why's she was searching for... )  When I see people in pain, I ask  all the time, (why would you choose pain, when with just a thought process it could be changed..) and this is why as an empath, I feel physically, emotionally, metnally the pain of others, which is what this poor girl has been experiencing...   I have only met one other person, who refused to be instantly healed (in that extent, instantly, without them doing any of the leg work, that sometimes comes with a healing process, this was different!), and that person had a serious disease, that affected both her physical body and her speech, she refused the miracle God offered her, because she used her disability to make money, and to use it, so others would serve her... her response to me was no I don't want it, "I like by Blue Card" too much!"   That is when that relationship ended, to say the least!

So this is when I stopped with her as well, It was now out of my hands and I had to back up, I did my part, I asked......  and I redirected the conversation to be about regular stuff, like, don't you love the Bartender? Wow, look how much it's snowing, etc...  We sat for a little while longer, She then gave me a hug, we smiled and she went home; and I was left with her pain, with sorrow knowing that she still has so much to go through, and with all the frustration of not being able to assist her...   And this is when I posted my frustration on Facebook... and got wonderful support and advise from many..  So again I thank all of you for that, but..

Read "Part 3 in the posts" to hear what answers God woke me up with this morning regarding this...

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