Friday, January 1, 2016

Goodbye 2015 - Hello New Energies!!!! 2016

Goodbye to 2015.. Hellooooo 2016!

     Last night most closed the doors to 2015, (which I will be doing on January 4th, as for me and most of you,  the 2016 energies will arrive on January 5th)  and like every year I post my goodbyes for the year and my gratitude’s.  I must say this past year at least for me has been filled with quite a lot of changes and challenges, some good, some not so good… This past year I honestly would have to say the not so good changes won out, yet I know they were all necessary, in order for my life to move forward.  After speaking to friends, family, clients and students, it seems I was not alone in my feelings, as we all look back at this past year and somewhat Say…. WOW!  What just happened?  Kind of glad that’s over and or wow, It was amazing!  For some it was a very gracious and wonderful year filled with laughter and joy and I am so grateful and happy for those times as well!  But still I find that some of us, including myself have been left with a lot of questions and confusion as to what just happened this past year? (both good and bad instances of it) The blessings we received, some are still questioning how long it will last (my response - for as long as you want it to!)  and on the changes that were made, questions of why me, or what the????  And is it going to be better this year? (My response - It will all be what it is suppose to be, just walk in love an gratitude and you'll be just fine!)  Yet, all these questions still swirl within our heads.   And really, not just on a personal level, but on a whole worldly and society level as well, seemed week after week another story, event, surprise, would pop-up things that were unexpected, un-planned, hurtful things, like terrorist attacks, natural weather disasters, random shootings, people putting words in other people’s mouths, disagreements, false accusations, jealousy, anger, resentment, bitterness, etc. no matter which direction North, South, East or West the winds blew heavily across the horizon, across the nation, across the planet and across the Universe; leaving a path of questions, destruction and sometimes tears;  It really took a lot of effort to find joy, laughter, kindness, etc. yet if you searched hard enough, you could find it,  as you sifted through the chaos.  And this is where I chose and choose to stay in a state of always finding the positive side of situations.  Because if you chose that state, you could see and find that there were very positive things going on as well.  In hind-site, looking back, over this past year, I think that was the key factor here… That despite all odds, despite global and personal challenges and changes, by the end of the year, where did you (we) end up?  Positive or negative? 

    In perspective, whether we liked what we went through or not, whether we went kicking and screaming or walked through it unscathed, the Universe forced a change, a re-evaluation, a clearing process; and also a gifting process... and that my friends we do have to be grateful for.  When the Universe told me in 2010 “When the birds fall from the sky and when the fish wash up on shore, you will know it has begun!”  I was told that a change was needed, that the clean-up process had begun in 2011.  Since 2011 they have kept their word…  Whether we liked it or not!  If you remember, the birds did fall from the sky and the fish did come on to shore... In January of 2011!  

    So do we say thank you?  Or do we hold onto the old patterns of fear, resentment, uncertainty, etc.  I’m voting to leave it all behind… Start fresh, as I always say, there is nothing you can do about a second ago!  So my friends, start with knowing that the Universe whether we understand it or not has cleared a path, cleared our shelves per se’ for a better future, a joyous future, an abundant future!  I know this to be true, it pushed me into my “New” reality and forced me to accept nothing less, leaving all behind that no longer carries the positive energies I strive to live in… and I hope it did the same for you...

    So join me with saying goodbye to 2015 and on January 5th 2016, let us once again raise our glasses and celebrate a brand “New” year!  A Brand “New” Energy system that will amend everything; as it slowly unfolds month by month until 2017.  As it is a year of completion, a number 9… 

    I have also been told it is also the “Judgment” year.   After 2016, completes it cycle of closure, a lot of us will be on a new path; having said goodbye to old friends, old beliefs and thought processes, giving up things that no longer supports us or can join us within these new energies.  And yes, you read that right… On January 5th, 2016 the energies of 2016 will trickle in… So hold tight for a few more days and get ready for another whirlwind to hit, but this time, the broom will be put to rest and the dust and debris of 2015 will start to settle.  By the end of the year you will start to see a clearer picture as to why all this clearing had to happen…  Come 2017 as within numerology, it will be a “New” beginning, (equaling a 10, broken down a 1 – a Fresh start!)  for all of us, not only here on earth, but for the Universe as well…  Again as always you do have a choice…  You can either choose to stay exactly where you are now, or you can make the final changes and once again begin the ascension process which will take place between the dates of March 23-25, 2016; as another gate will open. Yep!  Another step-up onto “Jacob’s Ladder” per se’, will be presented to us.  So mark your calendar for those dates and look for a webinar from the Enlightening Center to assist with this process…    

    When this happens they (the Universe and highest of energy source) will speed things up and another gate will open around October or November.  Oh boy!   Lucky us… 2 jumps in one year, so you know, energies will be fast and sometimes furious, trying to assist us with finding our way back home… 

    Earth will still be in somewhat of a tumultuous state, but on individual levels, it is a chance to clear the air and begin to start anew, with a new perspective about your future endeavors, friendships, and other relationships within all arenas.  For most it will be a very good and productive year, and remember when you get caught up in these life changing energies, that will and are inevitable in order to clear the way for our "New" world order; and even if you are not enjoying the ride at the time.  Step back, have faith that the changes you are being presented with, truly  is a good thing.  If you trust that, and have faith in that, you will be just fine and you will find yourself not fighting with letting the changes take place and you can then enjoy the ride at a much steadier and happier pace…  The end result…. A happy, joyous, loving abundant life!

    So again, join me on January 4th midnight, (really 1:00 A.M. January 5th)  to ring in the New Year…  It’s gonna be a wild ride!  (But in a good way! Enjoy...  and blessings to all for the new year….

Please feel free to ask a question or leave a comment... 

Love to all...

Sharon L. Jones,
a.k.a. Celest L.. Diamond

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