Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Hello my beloved friends..   Getting ready to roll out the new course and a new book!  Just in time for the Christmas and New Year!  Which means after taking my course, you will be ready and willing to have abundance in all areas of your life!  and be prepared to accept the gifts of the Celestial Diamond Light!  Yey for us!  Goodbye road blocks, hello Prosperity on all levels :)!  But for now, here is the update on my angels...

Well my 3 Angels stayed for 3 days.. finally found out,  they were just here to give me an okay about what I was doing you know creating this course and sharing the Celestial Diamond light.  They came to tell me to get my (you know what in gear!) Cause you know I was slacking with getting all the information out to you.  but wow!   Talk about confirmation...  Of course my friend Candie Michelle Toska​ was right again!  When it comes to angels, she's the best!  

So come to find out one was Arch Angle Gabriel, the messenger for God and the other two is what Candie called solar angels... Hmmm never heard of them or what they do, so I looked it up... Now pay close attention, as to why I feel this was a confirmation, as you know, I was given the honor of being presented into the Celestial Diamond Light via Celest L. Diamond.  and so far we know this light is to assist with ascension and to bring us back to our soul's perfect self.  So guess  what a solar angel is?   Here is what I found out,  amazing that I didn't have to search far...  The solar angels really aren't angels, but the Tibetan monks have this to say about it: Solar angels, in Tibet are called "Vajra-sattva" and "Simply means "Diamond Being".  Are you kidding me, if that's not confirmation enough, then it reads "The adjective "Diamond" is used in tantric writings to signify the indestructible or ultimate nature of something, the true reality behind the appearance.  Like a diamond, this is hard to penetrate.  So Vajrasattva is the essential or true nature of a "Being" or person.!"   So cool, isn't that what I shared with you about the "New Order of the Celestial Diamond Light"?  You get to get wrapped up in this cocoon and re-birth yourself into you perfect self!  Now if that's not confirmation, I don't know what else is!!!  Ahhh but there's more...

So, during the 3 days the Angels were hanging around, (very odd, they really don't talk much, I am used to ghosts, spirits, Demi-Gods and God himself talking up a storm...), but these guys, well they just starred a lot, smiled and nodded.. So I kind of pretended to not notice them... But you know how it is when someone is starring at you.. Geesh, kinda drives you crazy...  So I did start to ask and got into their energies a little, so I asked Gabriel, hey wait a minute.  If you are the messenger of God, and I talk to God directly, why are you here..( Ha Ha, Ha... I love my life!)  Well, Gabrial didn't answer me; but I hear this great big laughter... oh I know that laugh, yes, it was God!  He said "well, you haven't been doing your work and you've been ignoring listening to me, so I thought I'd send these guys down to shock you and get you back on track"... Had to get your attention somehow!"  "Laugh! Laugh! Laugh!"  he goes....  Oh, very funny I said... No I listen!  but yeah,  okay that was a good one!  You definitely got my attention now! The problem is,  I just don't know where to start...  We both laughed and I got right on it and the writing of the course began, along with my finishing a book and more information about the "Order of the Celestial Diamond Light" which all will be shared with of you very soon.  Again, I love my life, I love the Universe and I definitely love God... Even though he has a warped sense of humor sometimes.. ha ha, gotta love em!  But truly how amazing is that, it all fell into place so beautifully... again, what a confirmation!  Right?

The first part or step of this whole process is the course the Universe is helping me design, as I was shown the missing key or link per se' as to why abundance for some, in all areas of life for some, including myself,  really didn't stick, or stay around for long periods of time... yes we get spurts and glimpses of it, but I wanted it to finally stay forever!  and man!  eureka!  we struck gold on this one.. I am sooo excited, not only is it helping me understand why, but it will help sooo many others as well, really, I haven't been this excited for a very long time!  Can't wait!   So thank you Universe for giving me that ahhh, ha moment, it's finally all is coming together.. So grateful!   And once this is done our vibrations will be lifted to a point where I can then focus on bringing in this "New Order" .. This journey my friends, will be amazing!  So very excited!  I love my life, and yes I am amazing too!  And believe it or not, so are YOU!  Everything is flippin' amazing right now!  So grateful!!! Thank you.. All of you....  Oh, the angels, well once God started laughing, their smiles grew even bigger, still didn't say much... but they were grateful I got the message.... they lingered awhile longer and, well to be honest, I didn't even notice them leave...  But I am grateful they showed up, again I sense them, don't usually get to see them in person, or you know... So that too was sooo cool!

Blessings everybody... and don't forget to join the blog here and or list me in your feeds so you can stay abreast as to what is going on.... Love to you all... and remember to invite your friends to join our group and the blog... love you :)

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