Monday, December 18, 2017

Energy Guide for December 18 - 24th, 2017

Hello Everyone, well it's Monday, and I thought I'd share with you what energies will be going on this week; as everyone is on their last leg getting ready for the holidays... So enjoy!

 This weeks Tarot card is Temperance.  Some say that this is Arch Angel Michael, mixing in the elements of life.  

Temperance comes to us this week in an upright position asking us to remember to find balance, a mixing of the elements, from past to present.  If you look at the picture there is the pouring of the water from one vessel to another, also one foot is on land and the other in the flowing river, as with the flow of water it is ever changing and also ever cleansing.  But, the water itself is still the same water, it is just our perspective that changes.  In other words the water that flows from one glass to the other is still the same water, yet, you envision it as being "New" because now it is in  different cup!  Get the picture?  So when temperance comes it basically means everything is there, but now you yourself must look or feel things from a different  view, or perspective.  Turn a negative into a positive. Combine your inner-self, with your outer-self, no longer creating a separation, but creating a whole, a oneness with self, relationships and/or projects.   When you do this, getting that new or different perspective then you had in the past,  you will find answers and a new found respect for all things this week  So this week if you don't like what you see, or feel,  just change the picture, the thought, the glass, the surroundings so that you can find a better outlook, or outcome on your journey this week.

The Crystal for the week is:  Mahogany Obsidian - This is gentler stone than the all black Obsidian we are used to.  This form of Obsidian has brown tones within it offering you earthly protection and grounding into Mother Earth.  It offers you strength this week and helps with your purpose; offering you growth and stimulation on all levels.  It will assist with the release of past blockages, so you can overcome obstacles and move forward with positive outcomes this week.   To get the best results, this can be worn or placed in you pocket.  If that's not possible, place on your desk or nightstand and hold it often for about a min or two, throughout the day.

The Word for the week: Mountain - With this word this week, you have two options, you can look it as having to climb a mountain; making your week seem very long and tedious, or you can already be on top of the mountain, looking out into the world with hope and excitement, knowing you have already climbed that mountain and now are ready for what lies ahead; as you lookout on to the beautiful scenery below, just waiting for you to explore... The choice is yours!  So you decide how you want to use this word, long climb ahead or an easy flow filled with newness...  Again, referring to "Temperance".. It is all in your perception of things this week....

Blessings everyone!

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