Saturday, December 9, 2017

Edgar Cayce How to Develop Your 

Psychic Ability
(From YouTube - Watch now -> )

A lot of my clients and students ask me, who taught me what I know.  Usually I reply, "Don't know" I think God!  or Hmm I heard it somewhere along the way, or don't know, I just know it! 

But I do want to share one guide, who's been with me since I was about 11.   "Edgar Cayce", the most well documented intuitive to date.  He first started visiting me in my dreams, and we'd have great conversations, I mean I didn't really know who he was at the time, I just thought I'd have these great dreams and wake-up with answers, so I could help my friends.  But as I go older, my mom was reading a book, and the Author's picture was on the cover, I was like hey, that's who I've been talking to!  Who is he?  Well, the rest is history!

As my children grew older and found out about their mom, they got used to Edgar stopping by and always sitting on the left side of my sofa.  They'd say mom, somethings here!    I'd just tease them and say, well scoot over, you know that's Edgar's seat, he's here for a visit!  They'd scoot over, say hi to Edgar (to appease or tease me?)  and just laugh, thinking I was crazy...  Oh well, you know mom's,  know nothing!  Right!  ha, ha....

If you read any of his books, they sometimes can be confusing.  Some of my friends, sometimes ask me to tap-in or channel him and he always assists when he can.  But I came across this video and thought you might enjoy it as well...  Pay very close attention to the verbiage and how it all ties in as to what I've been talking about for years...   Enjoy

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