Sunday, June 7, 2015

The Aftermath & Benefits of the June 5th Energy Jump...

Hello Everyone - Please do not forget to join this blog for frequent updates... Thank you...

So it has been two days now that we are into the beginning of our "New World".

For some, this shift has been great, feeling lifted and supported by the Universe and many of you have already started receiving your gifts.  But I have gotten reports and several calls, that there might be a little aftermath panicking going on; as some have called me and said that the last two days... have not been that great and that they have been confronted with obstacles or have been having the things they thought they worked on and got rid of, re-thrown up in their faces again....   So I am getting calls asking me if they did it right or are they stuck in this state forever?  NO, YOU ARE OKAY!  So the following is what has been explained to me as to what is going on now.

First, let me say....  When you see the completed new world as I do, there is no fear, anger, competition, ego, anger, sadness, remorse, hurt, pain, ill-health, dis-ease, etc.  As it cannot live there.   Period... IT CAN NOT ENTER IN!   During this "Opening of the Gates" process, we will still be filtered out... and for those who continue on this path, this journey, you too will be welcomed into this new beautiful world of ours.  But you can no longer lay dormant and think that the Universe, the world or other people will get you there or for that matter, has interfered somehow with you not being able to enter in.  No, No, No people!  It is yours an only you who can make these choices.  It is time to put action behind your dreams, to take responsibility, and become one with the universe.  Just you and it...  Not thoughts of others, not he said, she said, etc.  No! You and only you will be responsible for entering in and making it to the final destination.  And this is what EVERYONE, if this is your desire as you do have a choice... (To go Home),  must understand and agree to!

Therefore, let me explain for those of you who are not that familiar as to how the universe or energy shifts truly work.  When these kinds of shifts take place, I am here to explain that this process is totally normal....  and you should be accepting even the "trying" things as a blessing... Here's the breakdown...  And what the Universe is observing within you to be able to continue...

*  You spent the last year, month, days, saying goodbye to the things that no longer serve you well.
*  You spent the last years, months, days, etc. creating or thinking about your new world, what is acceptable, what is not; clearing off your shelves to open the space for the new things to enter.
*  The June 5th energy system comes in... The End of the End and the Beginning of the New Beginning!  Wow, you're very excited.  You anticipated, joy, abundance, love, prosperity, to be at your doorstep when you woke up on June 6th...  For some, this happened instantly, a lighter feel, a happier, more colorful world.  But for some, they opened their door and said What The Flip!  And this is when I started getting calls!

If you were on the more positive side of your re-birthing... Yey, keep walking forward... and enjoy!
If you were on the "What the Flip?" side - DO NOT WORRY - Yes, you did get to make the jump, remember, I stated that as long as you were making the effort, you would be carried over; or for those who needed to be in this "New" time-frame, would be pulled through, even though they have no clue.  But for those of you who were made aware and worked very hard at saying goodbye to things of the past, but still being faced with these things you thought you had given up, cleared away etc.  We call this the aftermath portion....  So what can you do if you are stuck in this aftermath?  Here's the trick...

Know that some of us are still being tested and it is affecting those, who pretty much are new to all this letting go stuff....  Letting go in reality, most often cannot be done overnight.  But in this time-frame it really needed to be done.  But again you made the effort.  So yes, in fact, you made the jump.  What the Universe right now, (for the "NEXT TWO to THREE WEEKS)" is just testing you...  It will show you glimpses of problems, past hurts, anger, resentments, or issues, and they, once again will be brought to the forefront; one final last time, just to check in with you to see if you truly "consciously" are willing to give those things up.  Why you ask?  You may have verbally said you were letting go, but for some reason your sub-conscious is trying to hold-on to the past.  Maybe this is because you really didn't have enough time to truly contemplate what you were giving up, maybe because this all happened so fast or you just heard about it and wanted to get on board and be accepted into the New World of ours, that yes you verbally said, oh yeah, I'm done with that....  But really didn't go deeper than that.  And that is all okay...  You will be fine!... 

If this "aftermath" is happening to you be very grateful to the Universe.  This is a test for you, it is presenting you with a gift, another opportunity to align yourself.  It is meant to bring the sub-conscious state to the conscious. (As some of us have already dealt with this process) but for those who did not truly understand this process or the importance of it, the Universe is throwing things in your face, that you only "Thought", were gone, so you truly can say goodbye to them on a conscious level and be dome with it once and for all.  So do be grateful, because, now when you make that conscious decision, really say goodbye, you will set-it free and truly release all the baggage that you were carrying with it.  This is it folks...   But, be informed, the Universe is testing your response level on this one.  Remember this is "Just" the beginning of the beginning...  There is still so much clean-up work we have ahead of us.  But get it done.  Again, it is the "response level" they are watching for to see if by March 2016, when the next shift/gate opens up if you will be ready by that time, to go the next round....   As each gate is a stepping stone to our way home and as each shift happens there will be trials and tribulations; that yes, we will still have to work through and each time, they will test or ask, are you truly ready to go the next step?  This is why there are the 8 gates, before the final 9th step...  Each one presenting, teaching, evaluating, your faith, your awareness, your trust, that all is well.  So what to do right now?  The following is an example for those stuck in the aftermath of this shift.  (GATE 1).

EXAMPLE:  You had a long relationship that went south several years ago, you thought you were over it, but every now and then you re-visit it.  You get upset, angry, blow it off and "TRY" to move on by busying yourself, not necessarily getting rid of it, but by keeping busy, so you do not think about it!  Well, with this shift, that no longer works!  It will probably bring it back up, so you can consciously once and for all deal with it and say goodbye properly and/or consciously, by consciously knowing that you are in control and that you now have faith that you can instantly change your thinking...

MEANING:  You see a couple at a restaurant, it soooo reminds you of your past relationship and your sub-conscious starts to reminisce.  You see you and your ex sitting sharing laughing, then your heart sinks, and you begin to think of the "why" it didn't it work, oh he/she was such an Ass, wow if only things changed we would have been so good together, etc.  Or lets say, you instantly are being forced to move or find a new job.. and your upset and panicking.

1.  Do you remember feeling that happy feeling, and not associate it with a particular person, but remembering the "happy feeling" and say to yourself, I'm gonna have that again someday :) and walk forward with the feeling of happiness in your heart and the excitement of finding that? Or Regarding a move or career change,  Think back have you been complaining about your living or business circumstances and realize oh yeah, I asked for this change, and respond with cool! Thanks, I may not know what or where to go, but I trust it's going to be much better for me and take the action to make it better.  OR
2.  Do you stay in the should have, could haves, and feel sad, abandoned,etc. and want to go home and hang your head, be angry,feel sorry for yourself and say I'll never find that kind of happiness again, or regarding a living or business change, say I'm too old to find the right job, or I do not have the resources to move and stay in a panic state?


No. 1... Should be the right answer!  (Again this is the time-frame to bring to your conscious, your thought process.  This is the time for you to own-up and take responsibility to your responses, your actions regarding situations.  This is what this shift is all about.  Bringing your sub-conscious in alignment with your conscious, being one with yourself!) and letting go of blaming others or circumstances for your unhappiness.  If you do this, stay in the "Blame-Game" blaming others, etc.  this is where the "You'll stay in that state forever", comes into play.  This is where you will be left behind, when the next gate opens.

NOTE:  You truly know you are over something, if you can just tell the story about your life's experiences, and not react to them.  They have now just become stories and you no longer live them over and over again.  If you find your self still being pulled into the hurt, the remorse, the sadness, the anger of things not working out.  The should haves, could haves, the whys....  Then you have not properly released.  So this is the test for those of you who just "Thought" you forgave and said goodbye to things!  This will be what the Universe is looking for, your "RESPONSE TIME"!  In other words, how long will you stay in a negative state?  How quick will you turn it around and turn it into to a positive motivating i.e. wow glad I made it through that?  Wow thanks for showing that to me again Universe, yep, no I'm good, I definitely can say goodbye to that one... and walk past the obstacle, it just presented to you.  This is what may be happening to you who are being faced with these types of obstacles.  This should continue for the next two to three weeks.   If you are finding that you want to react, add more to the obstacle, the trick here is to look at it, and walk past or through it un-scaved and know that that thought process, is not acceptable any longer and do not respond.

Most of us will instantly respond to the more negative side, as we have been or program ourselves for so long to go straight to the negative. (So do not beat yourself up over it either).  But the test is how long will it take you to:
1.  Notice that you are responding and it still has a hold on you and
2.  How long will it take you to just say okay, it is what it is, I lived through it and I'm okay; but I have no need for it anymore... So be gone.. Goodbye!  And keep walking forward.

Again they are watching "YOUR RESPONSE TIME!"  This is what they are watching for with all of us.   You must again realize as stated above, this is only the beginning...  So if you think you will be receiving immediate satisfaction, you may be disappointed with this shift, but then again, even though they will be testing you along the way, guaranteed they will also be delivering to you your abundance, your joy and all that you've been waiting for, step by step...  So do pay attention to even the smallest of gifts; and from my perspective having to face the uglies, one last time, is not a bad thing.  I do consider it a gift!...Bring it on!  Is what I say... because I know I now have faith and trust that all uglies will be cleared once and for all....Yey for me!... And you!.....  Enjoy these gifts everybody and march forward with fortitude and love in your heart, do not look behind you as there truly is nothing there, it is just an illusion at this point, because you already made it through it and you are standing here, at this time in history, moving forward diligently, with each new gate being presented to you offering you the opportunity to move forward to a place I call home!

I hope this was helpful and offers you insight as to what is going on behind the scenes; as to this first gate opening up and to the many gates/shifts following....

Blessings everybody!  As always if you have any questions, feel free to contact me...


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